Posted by Tentickle on 30 May 2016 under Music Festivals, South Africa
Afrika Burn 2016 in Tankwa Town
Every year, for the past decade, as the sun sets on summer and autumn begins, so too does the pilgrimage to Tankwa Town. For 11 months of the year this little corner of the Karoo is an open empty landscape inhabited by endemic flora and fauna. This very localised, fragile ecosystem is home to several species of both plant and animal that are specific to this area only. However, for that twelfth month there is an influx, a migration if you will, of creatures fiercely fantastical, loudly musical and wildly imaginative.
Posted by Tentickle on 24 Feb 2016 under Music Festivals, South Africa
Our Top 10 Tips to Survive Your Next Music Festival
Ever since Woodstock music fans have harnessed their inner nomad, packed up the essentials and headed out into the big unknown that is the music festival. Rain, shine, wind. Desert, forest, open field. No matter the weather or the venue, festival fans flock to far flung places to pay homage to their favourite bands, DJs and genres of music. While they are great fun, music festivals are also hard work, and the best way to enjoy them is to be prepared.
Tentickle Stretch Tents have set up tents at many a festival, and so over the years we have come to recognise what to do and what not do to survive and have fun.
Posted by Tentickle on 15 Aug 2013 under Music Festivals, South Africa
If any of you missed out on the Love & Light Music Experience held in Cape Town back in March then you might want to take a look at what you missed out on. Our tents were used to great effect to create the perfect daytime music festival ambiance.
The first video is of the tent set up, it gives you a good idea of just what goes into creating the perfect outdoor party venue:
Posted by Tentickle on 31 May 2013 under Music Festivals, South Africa
Concerts and music festivals around the world have become a billion dollar industry and can include anything from a single musical group to a series of groups playing over a number of days. The music types can incorporate any and all styles including classical, popular, R&B, soul, folk and rock or heavy metal to name but a few.